Collective Worship
Our Vision - Let your light shine. (Matthew 5:16)
Lived out through Collective Worship
We are thrilled to be back together for Collective Worship. Through the week a range of Worship experiences are offered to our children, led by our staff as well as members of our local clergy. One session a week is based around the principles of Godly play. Weekly Celebration Worship gives us the chance to celebrate the wonderful and varied talents we have across our school. The offer of Worship styles, such as artwork stimuli, music, multimedia, drama, prayer and stillness, story, signing and reflection time continues. Worship continues to be Invitational, Inclusive and Inspiring.
Approach to Collective Worship
Living out our vision through Collective Worship
Collective Worship in our school is a highly valued time which is a specially set apart time in the school day. The whole school community gather together in a time that is honouring and worthy to God. The planning of our Collective Worship ensures that the school community has the opportunity to arrive for worship prepared, ready to engage with their own spirituality and learn from Biblical teachings and leave feeling refreshed and inspired. Our Collective Worship is timetabled to be at the start of the school day, so all who worship with us can go out into their school day fuelled by the love of God and teachings of Jesus and sharing that love by valuing all of God’s children, showing belief in themself and letting their light shine. We believe that all people, are made in the image of God and are unconditionally loved by God. All people, child or staff member with a Christian faith, a faith from another religion or who hold no religious beliefs are fully embraced and valued during Collective Worship. Everyone is equal and we treat each other with dignity and respect. Our school is a place where everyone should be able to flourish in a loving and hospitable community. We want Collective Worship to be a time when all of our children, staff and visitors can feel valued and part of our St Meriadoc family.
Our school mission (what we do today) ‘With God's love, our Christian Values and through our broad and aspirational curriculum we: Shine our light on ourselves; Shine our light on others; Shine our light on our community and the wider world' is lived through our Collective Worship. Our vision (what we aspire for our children tomorrow) 'Let your light shine' endeavours for collective worship to be the ‘heartbeat’ of the school signalling the life, energy and Christian spirit of the school.
Click below to read full details of our Collective Worship approach including planning and monitoring.
Our Worship Leaders have created a video monitoring the impact of Collective Worship during lockdown and monitoring what our children know about our vision and core Christian values since returning to school.