Our Curriculum

There is a lot of information about our curriculum in this section. Use the tabs on the left-hand side to navigate. If you require further information, please contact us at school ewhite@rainbowacademy.org.uk.

Foundation Stage

See EYFS 3 I's document at the bottom of the page.

Our Nursery and Reception classes follow the school's Blossom Curriculum, which has been informed by the DFE Statutory guidance for the EYFS and supported by the DFE Development Matters guidance.  The emphasis is on learning through structured play within a well planned environment.  There is a balance between adult-led and child-initiated activities.  Our safe and secluded wooded grounds mean that the children can choose to learn inside or outdoors for part of the day.  Our Nursery and Reception classes are well staffed with appropriately qualified and experienced teachers, nursery nurses and teaching assistants.

The Foundation Stage curriculum is divided into the following seven areas:

Communication and Language

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development



Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design

All children are assessed against these areas of learning throughout their time in nursery and reception.  At the end of their Reception Year children will be assessed against the Foundation Stage Profile.


Key Stage 1

This covers Years 1 and 2, ages 5-7, when children follow the National Curriculum. We teach this through a topic-based curriculum, where all subjects fall under a termly topic underpinned by a clear progression of skills and knowledge components.

Intent, Implementation, Impact Statement


Quality of Education   

St Meriadoc CE Infant Academy’s bespoke curriculum is designed to: 

  • Deliver a broad and balanced enquiry-based curriculum fostering children’s natural curiosity, underpinned by a clear progression of skills and knowledge components, which encourages children to lead and promote responsibility for their learning and the teachers to facilitate it. 

  • Ensure our children can read, write and apply their mathematical learning well across a wide range of subjects. 

  • Recognise, revisit and build on children’s prior learning by developing their long-term memory through cognitive memory strategies based on action-based educational and psychological research. 

  • Have high expectations in speech, language and communication to strengthen children’s ability to dive deeper and to enable them to articulate their learning using rich and varied vocabulary.  

  • Provide children with first hand real-life learning experiences strengthened by the knowledge of their rights as detailed by The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

  • Reflect the Church of England’s vision for education in ‘Valuing All God’s Children’. 

  • Develop children’s interpersonal skills to build resilience and become critical, creative thinkers. 

  • Embed a strong work ethic to have high expectations and aspirations for now and their future selves. 

  • Promote involvement in the local community, by celebrating and taking an active role in traditions and events, which encourage children to uphold a sense of belonging to a tightly-knit community and leading them to become confident, decisive and self-reflective global citizens. 

  • Ensure clear progression is continued into children’s learning at St Meriadoc CE Junior Academy through effective transition. 

Behaviour and Attitudes 

Our philosophy of ‘Enjoyable Learning, is Memorable Learning’ underpinned by our child-led approach to the planning of the curriculum, through ‘Big Paper Project Planning’ in the Early Years to ‘Topic Box’ planning in Key Stage 1, ensures that pupil engagement levels are high.  

We pride ourselves on being a Rights Respecting School, where children learn about their rights as detailed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), as British and global citizens and abide by a class and school charter linked to rights. Rights teaching is also reinforced by the teaching of British Values (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect) which upholds our high expectations for behaviour and conduct.  

As a church school, our ethos is built on the Christian values of Faith, Love, Respect, Forgiveness and Perseverance, which are taught throughout the year through linked parables to support understanding and to instil a secure moral compass within our children. Our school motto, Let Your Light Shine, is strengthened by the teaching of the parable of ‘The Talents’ to promote positive behaviour and attitudes to ensure all children receive their right to be the ‘best they can be’ (Article 29; UNCRC).  

All topics from Nursery to Year 2, stem from questions linked to topic and are underpinned by religious/faith questions. Examples include topic and religious/faith questions, such as ‘Do all superheroes wear capes?’ and ‘Was Jesus a superhero?’ This is to stimulate children’s natural questioning and to learn and practice the behaviours and attitudes needed for polite discussion, debate and considering other’s views and beliefs. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school where all children’s learning and well-being needs are treated uniquely, where it is the responsibility of the adult to step into the world of the child to support their ability and attitude to learn. Our Trauma Informed Schools programme is a testament to this.  

Safeguarding is embedded deep into our curriculum, teaching children about how to keep themselves safe in the modern world.  

Hopes and Aspirations  

Our curriculum is designed to uphold a strong Christian ethos; which is closely linked to the Church of England’s Valuing All God’s Children with the recognition that ‘we are all God’s children’ and the aim that all may flourish and have an abundant life. Our five key Christian values of perseverance, forgiveness, faith, respect and love are apparent throughout our curriculum design, promoted explicitly in collective worship and in the classroom and help our children to understand the values they need to flourish. 

Our curriculum is designed to prepare children to achieve their highest academically at the end of Key Stage 1 and prepare them to be global citizens in the modern world. Aspirations are built into each curriculum topic, with a clear focus for an end result through a topic finale and clear aspirational career links made through researching and studying inspirational people in history, but also pivotal individuals who are impacting the modern world today. We value RE as a core subject, which is why our RE curriculum, based around the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus, has been designed to literally be the thread to bind and weave through all other topic-based curriculum teaching. Our school parable, the parable of ‘The Talents’, supports our ethos of having high expectations and raising aspirations for our children. Through Collective Worship, gathered together as a school, in church, with members of the clergy, local community and in classrooms, children learn about the right of children from all walks of life across the globe. Children annotate their findings of hopes and aspirations for all to receive their rights, on the school world map. Due to the strong emphasis on engagement with world news, charitable links are at the core to provide children with the opportunity to be courageous advocates.    

Personal Development 

The well-being of our school community is paramount in our curriculum design and underpinned by rights teaching, gives children the opportunity to explore spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. As a Trauma Informed School (TIS) our dedicated, qualified practitioners work with children with identified Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to develop the holistic child and support them in dealing with trauma, building trust and developing confidence across all facets of their life.  

To promote healthy lifestyles, healthy eating and the importance of exercise is planned directly into the curriculum. We also explicitly teach the importance of good dental hygiene, with children having assisted brushing from Nursery age. We are also part of the NHS Dental Fluoride coating scheme.  

Through the teaching of rights children are taught what their life ‘should’ be like and supports them in identifying if theirs is not as it should be. Article 29 from UNCRC, ‘the right to be the best you can be’, fully reflects our school motto of ‘Let Your Light Shine.’  

The outcomes are designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, but also to develop the skills and knowledge components needed for learning and to ensure every child is equipped with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed as they prepare for the next stage of education and for life beyond. The Blossom Curriculum long term planning document encompasses a wide range to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is achieved.  

This includes for each termly topic:  

  • Topic overview; 

  • Links to prior learning in previous year groups and future learning for subsequent years;  

  • Topic questions to give the learning a real-life purpose;  

  • Planned topic launch day events to ‘hook’ the children into the learning;  

  • RE questions to underpin the Christian ethos of the school; 

  • Direct RE areas of learning weaved through;  

  • Memory facts to retain for long-term memory support; 

  • Linked texts which create the school reading spine and poetry spine; 

  • English text types to cover through Talk for Writing; 

  • Linked people of study (historical and alive today); 

  • Linked music to support immersion into topic and long-term memory cognitive neuronal pathway development;  

  • Topic Box items for KS1 and child-led ‘Big Paper Project’ planning resources for EYFS; 

  • Planned trips and visitors; 

  • Topic finale to give the learning purpose; 

  • Outdoor enhancement learning opportunities; 

  • Careers and professions linked to topic to promote the school's aspirational curriculum.

Our rich and vibrant curriculum is designed so that specific subject skills and knowledge components are scaffolded within the cross-curricular theme or context each term, but are also revisited and built upon each progressive year following a spiral model.  



We have seven aims in supporting our children to become confident and able readers: 

  • We ensure the reading is a strategic priority for our school. 

  • We foster a ‘love of reading’ at school and home. 

  • Teach phonics using the high quality support scheme of Read Write Inc. 

  • Phonics is taught from day 1 in reception and earlier in nursery if the children are ready. 

  • Our reading books are matched to the decoding skills of our children. 

  • The children who fall behind in reading are supported to catch up quickly. 

  • All staff are experts in early reading. 

As an infant school our main focus is to ensure that every child becomes a reader through supporting the teaching of early language and phonics and to foster a love of reading. Reading is a key tool for life and opens the gateway for exploring other areas of the curriculum.  

We deliver the full Read, Write, Inc (RWI) programme, RWI Phonics, RWI Reading and RWI Get Writing from Nursery age with rigour. This programme ensures children are taught comprehension strategies and all Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar for KS1. Our dedicated RWI Lead, ongoing training for staff, weekly monitoring and our close relationship with our RWI Consultant, ensures it is delivered consistently and effectively. Children are assessed every 6-8 weeks and any phonic gaps are identified swiftly. Unsure phonemes are listed on the RWI Tutor Assessment handover sheet, so each RWI tutor knows what to target for each individual pupil in their group or if deemed appropriate children receive daily RWI 1:1 tutoring with a specially trained member of staff to close the gap. We work on the premise of ‘keep up, not catch up’.  


When appropriate, children will be introduced to the initial sounds in short five minutes sessions. Some children will leave our nursery setting being able to orally blend words, with some children blending to read CVC words. 



In Reception all children will learn how to ‘read’ the sounds in words and how those sounds can be written down. 



The children: 

  • Learn Set 1 and when truly embedded and secure, learn Set 2 sounds. These are taught using simple picture prompts and phrases; 

  • Learn to read words using Fred talk and sound blending; 

  • Read from a range of storybooks and non-fiction books matched to their phonic knowledge; 

  • Learn to work well with partners; 

  • Develop comprehension skills in stories by answering 'Find It' and 'Prove It' discussion questions. 



The children: 

  • Learn to write and form the letters/letter groups which represent the 44 sounds with the help of fun phrases; 

  • Learn to write words by using Fred Talk; 

  • Learn to build sentences by practising sentences out loud before they write; 

  • Learn ‘perfect pencil grip’ supported by fine motor skill activities. 

  • Learn to write in a printed script. 



The children work in pairs so that they: 

  • Answer every question; 

  • Practise every activity with their partner; 

  • Take turns in talking and reading to each other; 

  • Develop ambitious vocabulary. 


Children end the Foundation Stage with a love of reading, being able to decode familiar and unfamiliar words in sentences and short books and read some on sight undecodable words using the taught strategies. 


Year One & Year Two 

Children follow the same format as Reception but will work on embedding Set 1 and 2 sounds before learning Set 3 sounds, which are more complex sounds. Children will be able to read books appropriate to their reading level. Children develop their comprehension skills, fluency and expression in KS1. Most children pass the Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1, with nearly all children passing the Phonics Screening Check by the end of Year 2. Once children become fluent speedy readers with good comprehension skills, they will move onto literacy teaching in Year Two. Children end KS1 with a good level of reading that is in line or above national average. 


We see that it is the job of the school to teach children to read and to foster a love of reading and the ‘job’ of the parents to support this love of reading by sharing books at home and celebrating children’s reading achievements. This is why we send home the same RWI book children have been reading in school each week, so they can ‘show off’ to their parents and can be praised on what a great reader they are and they also take home the linked RWI Book Bag book, which is matched to their phonic ability. We want children to celebrate their reading achievements at home. Every day staff listen to children read in school.  

Once children complete the RWI programme, usually part way through Year 2, they focus on reading comprehension activities, developing their fluency and expression as well as extending and broadening their vocabulary. In the early stages of learning to read, readers may be accurate but slow and inefficient at recognising words. With our approach and continued practice, word recognition becomes more automatic, rapid and effortless. Our intention is to develop reading automaticity and fluency by the end of Year 2.  

The whole school also has a Reading Spine which is linked to the Blossom Curriculum topics. This is a list of books that all children will have read to them during their time with us. We also have a Poetry Spine, which is a list of poems that children will learn ‘off by heart’ which is also linked to the topics in The Blossom Curriculum. 


Writing is an essential part of our curriculum. The ‘mechanics’ of writing are taught through the RWI programme initially, but children also have a daily ‘Talk for Writing’ session. This enables children to use their taught mechanics of writing creatively. We teach writing using Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing approach, employing the three stages of imitation, innovation and invention to a range of non-fiction and fiction genres. We link our writing context to our curriculum topics, finding real life reasons for children’s writing to enthuse them with purpose. We hold a high expectation that all writing is of a high standard across all subject writing.  

We explicitly teach printed handwriting in EYFS and when children are ready, generally towards the end of Year 1, move to a joined cursive script. Children follow a clear bespoke skills progression framework for writing. This was designed following thorough analysis of our children’s needs.  

The writing skills progression breaks down the objectives for writing into smaller specific achievable segments, enabling a clearer focus and ease to track skills progression. 


Our mathematics curriculum is taught through child-led real-life mastery experiences in EYFS and our 3 and 4 year-old nursery uses planning linked to the NumberBlocks programme. In Reception, we use the White Rose-linked Power Maths programme and 'Mastering Number' sessions from the NCETM.  In KS1 this continues. New mathematical ideas are introduced with lots of hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) at St Meriadoc which gives our children an opportunity to learn about design, construction, science and entrepreneurial factions by being real inventors, designers, investigators and problem solvers.  

Children are taught following the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract teaching sequence, moving onto the next stage when secure and confident. We endeavour to enrich and broaden current understanding rather than extend. Two of our teachers have recently worked alongside the Maths Hub with Primary Maths Mastery specialists to conduct action research which has enabled us to constantly and consistently improve our maths provision across the school. Maths is a focal point in our school from our 2 year old nursery upwards, with Maths role play and the opportunity to develop maths mastery techniques such as variation from an early age. 

 Power Maths offers children weekly problem solving investigations to develop their conceptual understanding enabling them to apply their skills to different problems. We practice mental arithmetic daily and explicitly teach strategies for calculation with a focus on pictorial representation initially, before moving on to mental methods, jottings and formal written methods. 


In our rapidly evolving world science is a vital part of The Blossom Curriculum. Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies their curiosity with knowledge. Because science links direct practical experience with ideas, it can engage learners at many levels. Scientific method is about developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modelling. Pupils learn to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.  

At Key Stage 1 pupils observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and physical phenomena. They begin to work together to collect evidence to help them answer questions and to link this to simple scientific ideas. They begin to evaluate evidence and consider whether tests or comparisons are fair. They use reference materials to find out more about scientific ideas. They share ideas and communicate them using scientific language, drawings, charts and tables with the help of ICT if it is appropriate. Our science teaching is linked to our termly topics as much as is possible but it is clear that science lessons are always taught discretely.

Foundation Subjects  


All foundation subjects are taught through our cross-curricular topic approach and our memory afternoons ensure repetition and embedding of skills is not compartmentalised by learners.  


Design and Technology is taught explicitly as Design and Technology, is linked through our Art teaching and is also taught through our focused STEM work. Design and Technology is a highly valued subject. Children are involved in designing, making and evaluating their creations. All work has a set purpose linked to aspirational living or topic development. Children are taught to use tools correctly and safely.  


Outdoor learning and use of tools through Forest School is now part of The Blossom Curriculum as all staff are receiving training from 'Wild Tribe'. Food technology is a major part of our work, linked to healthy lifestyles, with children in the Early Years generally cook weekly. All children are involved in sustainable living lessons through gardening in our raised beds and polytunnel also. Children in the summer term also hold a garden shop to sell their self-grown produce. Children use their self-grown produce in their food technology lessons throughout the summer term.   


In Art children have opportunities to draw, paint, print, make collages, use fabrics and threads and use clay. They are taught the skills and techniques and are then given the opportunity to practise them to produce individual and group pieces of work. Children keep art scrapbooks, which travel with them through the school, which track their progress in art over time and allows children to look back, to use prior learnt techniques in their pieces. Children work with external artists throughout the year to draw on their expertise. As part of The Blossom Curriculum, children study artists from history and current exhibitors. Children are encouraged to critically evaluate their own work and that of others in order to learn from their experiences. We are very proud of our art work at St Meriadoc and regularly present our efforts to the local community at celebrations such as Trevithick Day.  


Music and drama is a key part of our curriculum offer and is taught through topic learning. Music is taught using Charanga for most of the school and Rainbow Pond resources in the nursery years. Music teaching focuses on musical skills and knowledge components as well as used as a tool to support the memory work of facts gained in other subjects, such as using rhythm body percussion and songs to store facts into the long-term memory. There are specific musical works and pieces that are listed and linked to each termly topic on the long-term planning document for the immersion in topic and as a long-term memory strategy connection. We have musical clubs such samba taught by talented musical teachers. Our samba club supports local community events such as Trevithick Day. Performing and visual arts also play a significant part within our curriculum with an EYFS and KS1 Christmas nativity and a summer musical leaver’s production for Year 2 children. As part of the Rainbow Multi Academy Trust we take part in an arts gala once a year, where children perform with other children from the MAT at the Regal Theatre.  


Computers and other IT can help pupils make accelerated progress. We support pupils to develop their skills such as researching, typing, editing and artistic skills. Children use Chromebooks and the Purple Mash programme to support their Computing. Internet safety is taught explicitly every half term and children are reminded of this prior learning every time they go online in school. There is also a popular weekly Purple Mash club. 


Physical Education is where our children participate in all activities supported by partnership with Sports4Tots. 

The aim of physical education is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Children are taught to observe the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators. Children take part in games, gymnastic movement, dance and athletic activities using indoor and outdoor environments where appropriate. Children can take part in after school clubs and have the opportunity to compete against other schools. Children have swimming lessons in year 1.  

Physical education is seen as key to developing healthy lifestyles in young people and we provide a wide array of opportunities to develop this and sporting skills outside of the normal curriculum time. 


SEN and Family Support – All children have the right to a special education if you have a disability. Article 23, UNCRC 

We believe that all children are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum through which we support children with additional needs. All children are encouraged to achieve their full potential and to be included in the social and academic life of the school. We aim to provide educational experiences that take into account the individual needs of children, appropriate to their level of ability. Early intervention is paramount in order to identify pupils who have special educational needs. This is the responsibility of all who work with children in our school. Mrs Stephens co-ordinates the SEN team at St Meriadoc and works closely with the SEN team at St Meriadoc Junior Academy to ensure smooth transition. As a Trauma Informed School (TIS) we also have two trained TIS practitioners who support children and a Family Liaison Officer, who supports our families and is responsible for attendance. We pride ourselves on ensuring our curriculum is inclusive to all learners. We have Makaton trained staff in the nurseries and it is used by staff in Reception and Key Stage 1 for those pupils who need that support.  


Our Curriculum Impact – How well are our pupils learning the content within our curriculum?  

We have four intentions when it comes to measuring the impact of our curriculum.  


Intention 1: to develop our learner’s learning (Our head and body: what we learn)  

We strive to ensure that our children’s attainment in core and foundation subjects is in line with or exceeding their age related expectations when we consider the varied starting points of children. We measure this carefully using a range of materials, but always considering where they should be for how old they are. We intend that the impact is that children will be academically and physically prepared for the next phase of their education, in Britain and the world.  


Intention 2: Develop the character of our learners (Our heart and character: Who we are when we learn)  

The impact will be that our learners will have fully rounded characters with a clear understanding of complex values like equality, friendship and trust as well as solid understanding of our core Christian values of Faith, Love, Respect, Perseverance and Forgiveness. Only by really learning what these mean will our learners be able to develop a Christian character that prepares them for living in the community demonstrating tolerance and equality. We measure this not just by the work our children produce, but in the behaviours we see each and every day in all learners on the playground, in the corridor, and in the many roles we give them. The impact of this intention is seen in the daily interaction of all members of our school community  


Intention 3: Develop behaviours and habits to become effective life-long learners (Our actions and attitudes: How we act when we learn)  

The impact we intend to achieve by developing this intention is seen by how the children approach challenges every day. This could be on the playground, in a game or disagreement, or in class in a complex learning challenge. The impact should be that children don’t give up, are highly motivated to succeed and achieve and are equipped with all the personal skills to do this.  


Intention 4: Develop the moral compass of our learners (Our place in the community and wider world: Who we are)  

Our learners will be motivated by a strong personal sense of morality with a strong Christian moral compass. They will make decisions for the right reasons and in the best interests of their community. They will be able to decide what is right and what is wrong, and will be resilient to the influence of others. They will go out into the world and make a difference in their own life and to others. Our learners will be the owners of their own destinies and help spread the word of Jesus. 


How to find out more

If you would like more information about the curriculum we follow, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Alternatively, you can email ewhite@rainbowacademy.org.uk and we will respond to your query.