Parent Information Sessions
At the end of each academic year in July, we hold parent information sessions to share with parents/carers what their children will be learning in their new year group after the summer holidays.
This gives parents/carers the opportunity to:
- Look into the new topic over the summer holiday
- Share the Knowledge Organisers (Sticky Knowledge) sheets with their child
- Prepare their child for their new learning by encouraging them to ask 'big questions' ready for contributing to the class planning in September - either Big Paper Project planning in EYFS or Topic Box planning in KS1
- See how phonics will be taught in the new year group and how they can help at home over the summer
- See the development of Talk for Writing (English) and encourage their child to recall stories learnt already
- Explore our Core Christians Values and Rights together over the summer
- Understand key events for their child in their new year group such as Phonics Screening Check in Year 1
- Know where to go for further help in school SENCO and Family Liaison Officer
See the slides from the Parent Information Sessions below from July 2021 session.
Listed below are also posters and flyers received for other parenting workshops provided in the area.