Week Five 8th - 12th February
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Collective Worship
Noah's Ark - Perseverance
Say our Vision Together...God Believes, We Believe, I Believe
I hope you are all safe and well. We are continuing with exploring our Christian Value of Perseverance. This week we are lucky to have Mrs Osborn read our Bible story – Noah’s Ark. Noah's Ark actually teaches us all our Core Christian Values - Faith, Love, Respect, Perseverance adn Forgiveness. See if you can spot them all in the story.
Thoughts after hearing the story...
I love the story of Noah’s Ark. It’s a story of hope, belief and promise.
Noah trusted and had FAITH in God. He didn’t really know what God had planned or how it was going to work out. Noah had not planned on building an Ark or looking after so many animals. But throughout it all Noah RESPECTED God’s wishes and he PERSEVERED to carry out the task.
God looked after Noah through his LOVE for him. However, I don’t expect it was easy for Noah – llamas, elephants, tigers, mice and all the other animals all noisy, probably smelly, all in a cramped boat for a long time. Some may have been grumpy, hungry and sleepy! They would have had to FORGIVE Noah for this and God, knowing it was for the best.
To me this story reminds me that no matter how difficult things may seem, God is always there. He doesn’t do magic wishes or wave a magic wand, but he is there to support us, to love us and to care for us. We just have to have FAITH in him.
Hymn/Song Time...
Invitation to Prayer...
Dear God
Thank you for all you have done for us,
Thank you for caring for us
Thank you for all the animals
Thank you for your promise that you will look after us
Help us to care for other people
And to put our faith and trust in you
Picture News - Virtual Assesmbly
Picture News Virtual Assembly - 8th February from Picture News on Vimeo.